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What Happened after the Speech
শ্রেণি : সৃজনশীল
সংস্করণ : ২০২০
পৃষ্ঠা : ৯৬
সর্বোচ্চ খুচরা মূল্য (MRP): ২০০ টাকা

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বই পরিচিতি:
"It was an auspicious morning of seventh March. Everyone was waiting in solemn silence. Something was about to happen in the afternoon that day. Mithu, with his mother and uncle, was waiting for that moment too. Because it was a special afternoon. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman would declare something important. But what would he declare?
'What Happened after the Speech' takes the readers back to the day of the historic speech of 7th March. It is a juvenile novel that will enlighten the young readers about our motherland and the Father of the Nation."

Anwara Syed Haq