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Information & Communication Technology (English Version)
Class :Eleven (English Version)
Group :Uni Group
Edition :November 2023
Page :672
Maximum Retail Price (MRP): 900 Taka

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Features of this Book:
1. Questions and Solutions to the selected Questions from NCTB approved Textbooks
2. Topic-wise MCQs and Answers are given based on the Learning Outcome and the Sequence of the Topics.
3. Creative Essay-type and Multiple Choice Questions along with the Solutions of the Board Exams of previous years have been provided chapter-wise.
4. Unique Creative Questions and Answers based on the Learning Outcome and the Sequence of the Topics to get Common in the Exam
5. Creative Questions with Answers from Class Work
6. Creative Questions and MCQs from the combination of multiple chapters.
7. Model question papers in the section titled Evaluate Yourself for evaluating chapter-wise preparation.