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A Complete Practice Book on English for Today with Grammar & Writing
শ্রেণি : দশম
বিভাগ : সকল
সংস্করণ : ২০২৫
পৃষ্ঠা : ৮৮০
সর্বোচ্চ খুচরা মূল্য (MRP): ৬০০ টাকা

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Features of This Book


Tutor will always guide you to understand how to cope with the practice book besides reading the textbook. It will also help you through explanation wherever you would fInd any difficulty to understand the text.

Analytical Lesson related Topics
An Analysis section at the beginning will help the students to master the subject matter perfectly. For English First Paper, each lesson of the English For Today book includes Learning Outcomes, a Summary of the Lesson, and Supportive Vocabulary. Additionally, Reading Text with pronunciation and Bengali translation is provided for better understanding of the lessons. Solutions to all the activities of the Lessons are also included. For English Second Paper, the Analysis section is structured with necessary discussions and simple, eective rules/ techniques for each item. You can easily practice the question items designated for your nal exam by appropriately applying the knowledge gained from the Analysis Part.

Practice Materials to Get Common
An Application section is presented for hands-on practice of the knowledge gained from the textbook contents. At the beginning of English First Paper, according to the latest syllabus and question structure provided by NCTB for the SSC exam of 2026, a detailed discussion has been given on the question structure, marks distribution, and how to answer the question items of the Reading & Writing Parts. Then, the maximum number of important questions with answers have been provided for each Question Item. Additionally, sufficient Practice Materials on recent issues are available for all applicable areas in the Writing Part.
In English Second Paper, important questions and answers for the SSC exam of 2026 have been provided based on the analysis of question papers from all the previous Board Exams and recent Test Exams of the country’s best schools.
By practising all the contents from the Application section, you will become skilled to answer any question appropriately for the exam.

Question Bank and Model Test for Assessment
The Assessment section has been provided to evaluate the final preparation.
It contains complete model tests for the SSC exam of 2026, based on the new question structure and marks distribution provided by the NCTB. For English First Paper, each model test has four assessment charts – Seen Part, Unseen Part, Literature Part, and Writing Part. For English Second Paper, each model test has two assessment charts for Grammar and Writing Parts.
You can assess your preparation by taking these model tests while maintaining the allocated time and filling in your scores in the assessment charts. Finally, by recording the grades obtained in each chart in the evaluation sheet provided at the beginning of the model section, you can determine your overall preparation on this subject.

Enriched Appendix Part
Previous SSC exam question papers and answers have been presented at the end of the book in order to to get a clear idea about the board exam question pattern for English First and Second Papers.